
Numa’s current projects build on long-standing interests involving multi-semiotic analyses of classroom interactions.
In CA-SLA, Markee is best known for his pioneering work on second language classroom research. His research program in this area focuses generally on how teachers and students modify the norms of ordinary conversation to achieve institutional agendas, roles, and identities as they engage in various naturally occurring language learning/teaching behaviors in real time. Specifically, he is particularly interested in understanding how socially distributed cognition and planning on-the-fly work as locally occasioned achievements in the classroom. Finally, to understand how participants competently perform such work, he is also interested in using multimodal conversation analysis to document and explicate the astounding complexity of multi-semiotic analyses of classroom interactions. His current projects include synthesizing his early research on the management of curricular innovation with his later work in CA-SLA, particularly in the context of international development work; and trying to solve the transcription bottleneck problem in CA through the use of emerging recording and transcription technologies in AI.
Important publications
Conversation analysis | N Markee Routledge
Managing curricular innovation | N Markee Cambridge University Press
Classroom talks: An introduction | N Markee, G Kasper The Modern Language Journal 88 (4), 491-500
Toward a learning behavior tracking methodology for CA-for-SLA | N Markee Applied Linguistics 29 (3), 404-427
The diffusion of innovation in language teaching | N Markee Annual review of applied linguistics 13, 229-243
Zones of interactional transition in ESL classes | N Markee The Modern Language Journal 88 (4), 583-596
Teachers’ Answers to Students’ Questions: Problematizing the Issue of Making Meaning. | NP Markee Issues in applied linguistics 6 (2), 63-92
The handbook of classroom discourse and interaction | N Markee John Wiley & Sons
The organization of off-task talk in second language classrooms | N Markee Applying conversation analysis, 197-213
Toward an ethnomethodological respecification of second language acquisition studies | N Markee Research methodology in second language acquisition, 89-116
Second language acquisition research: A resource for changing teachers’ professional cultures? | N Markee The Modern Language Journal 81 (1), 80-93
Doing planning and task performance in second language acquisition: An ethnomethodological respecification | N Markee, S Kunitz Language Learning 63 (4), 629-664
Conversation analysis for second language acquisition | N Markee Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning, 355-374
Learning talk analysis | N Markee, MS Seo Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 47 (1), 37-63