
See the latest updates from Numa Markee
My latest articles/chapters
Markee, N. (in press). Conversation analysis. In M. Riazi (Ed.), Less frequently used research methodologies in Applied Linguistics. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Markee, N. (in press). Doing, and justifying doing avoidance revisited. In M. Riazi (Ed.), Less frequently used research methodologies in Applied Linguistics. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
My latest talks
Just how complicated do conversation analytic transcripts need to be? Talk given at the Linguistics Seminar Series, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. March 20, 2023.
Other News
September 15, 2023
Video: Using AI to teach EFL/ESL: English Language Specialists/State Department
Click here to see panel discussion on how to use AI to teach ESL/EFL, and click here for a list of recommended resources.
July 20, 2023
Transana 5.0
Just finished watching the second webinar by David Woods which, among other things, provides more information about the automated transcription capabilities of Transana V5.0. The link to this webinar is available here.
Transcribe with Word
And on the related topic of Microsoft’s foray into AI-assisted automated transcription of audio files—called Transcribe with Word—click here for a short demonstration video put out by Microsoft. This capability is now available on the Windows version of Microsoft 365 and also on the web version of this software. With thanks to Olcay Sert for drawing my attention to this development.
May 25, 2023
Endnote 21 is now available.
May 24/26, 2023
Just finished watching a webinar by David Woods and the automated transcription update is really exciting. We have a long way to go yet with overlapping talk still, particularly in the context of noisy classroom data, but the future has definitely arrived. This opens up the possibility of getting initial words-only transcripts as a departure point for more complex CA transcripts. The ability to code PDFs as text or graphic files quite easily is also very impressive and opens up all kinds of interesting possibilities for really detailed multimodal transcripts, which is infinitely better than not having any transcripts at all, however rough they may be at first. And perhaps (don’t know if David Woods intended this) this may also contribute to turning CA into a methodology that can deal with very large data sets and therefore give further impetus to the continuing trend toward quantifying CA data a la John Heritage/Tanya Stivers/Kobin Kendrick. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to learn stats all over again.
February to March 31, 2023
I first retired from the Department of Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign in 2015. I kept up my research agenda but in October 2022, I announced to anyone who cared to listen that I was retiring from all academic activity to concentrate on writing my linguistic autobiography, “Memoirs of a Cultural Mongrel.” Although I’ve written a few vignettes, this project did not really happen. As a result, I soon got bored not doing academic research anymore, which is why I decided to unretire and return to the academic fray in February 2023.